Please see our shipping options below for purchases made through our online store. If you requested a formal quote and would like to make a purchase through email, please send us a PO and your FedEx or UPS account number. We ship Ground for domestic orders unless requested otherwise. If you don’t have a UPS or FedEx account number, We will prepay the shipping and add it to your invoice. We sincerely appreciate your business and if there are any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
If you do not have your own shipping account, we will take care of shipping just like any other online purchase. Upon entering your delivery address, shipping costs and options will be calculated and added to your order.
Have a FedEx or UPS account? First register with us and provide your account number. At checkout, you will then have the option to select ‘Bill My UPS/FedEx Account.’ If selected, you will pay for only your parts at the checkout page and we’ll bill your shipping account during processing.
We understand that sometimes time is of the essence. If our standard lead times above are insufficient for your needs, we invite you to contact us. We will be happy to work with you however we can. Expedition fees may apply.
We Strive To Create Long-Term Relationships With Our Customers.
That’s Why We Work With Our Customers on Tool Costs, Set-up Fees, & Quality Processes.